Saturday, December 25, 2010

Nothing says Christmas like...

...watching a movie with your family during the holidays. Popping popcorn, curling on the couch, and enjoying a heart warming story. 

As a kid, they were movies like White Christmas, It's a Wonderful Life, and Christmas Carol. As an older kid, it was A Christmas Story, Scrooged and National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation. A couple years ago it was all about Elf.

This year was...wait for it...Satlag 17, on DVD, in our living room. Not familiar with Stalag 17? It's a black and white movie made in 1953, set during World War 2. It's about two POW's who are killed trying to escape from the German camp. It's like Hogan Heroes but not as much humor. In all fairness, they try to escape on Christmas Eve. 

It was my brother's Christmas gift to my dad. It carried a memory for them. Many, many years ago, my brother and dad bonded over the movie as they watched it together. It was one of my dad's favorites and he let my brother stay up really, really late to watch it with him one night, a treat for a little kid.

In 2010, it would be the year my family enjoyed it together during Christmastime. 


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