Tuesday, February 14, 2012


Valentine's Day is such a "feelings" holiday. 

Some elaborately plan so their valentine feels loved. 
Others manage their expectations so they don't feel disappointed. 
Some create 'alternative holidays' to feel better about being single. 
Others go on radio silence until the blah-blah love-fest is over. 

Good or bad, it's a day that can push even the biggest 'thinker' to FEEL something. 

Love. Bitterness. Envy. But hopefully mostly love. 
(Call me an optimist.)

Here are a few of the feelings from my day:

"Aww, Isn't that Sweetness"

"Laugh Out Loud Hilarity"
"Uh, oh! Look who's retiring!" 

"Bitterness, Shock, and Horror"
"NOOOoooooo..... Not until I see her perform live!!!!" 

"Nerdy NPR Lovin'"

"MMMmmmmm" (That's a feeling, right?)

Whatever you're feeling today, 
wishing you lots of love!


Rob said...

Wow, that Jesus picture is hilarious Lay. Happy Valentines Day from the Dixons. We love Auntie Layla!

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