Friday, February 6, 2009

a white boy named tyrone and a prom king monastic

Last night I went and saw Tyrone Wells. Now if you haven't heard his music, you might be surprised to find that despite the fact that he's a tall, bald white guy who yodels, he's actually got a really soulful voice. Though I went by myself, I am really glad I went! I'm trying to create some rythym to my days here in Portland including running, reflection (aided by good coffee) and seeing the city. So last night I found my way to the Aladdin Theatre and had a great night of good music and great people watching with many blunt cut bangs and beards in the room.

I purposefully showed up late and made it for the last few songs of the opening band (Raining Jane) who played an amazing instrumental using a steel drum and a citar (or something like that) worth checking out.

Not wanting to sit alone, I looked for an open seat in the aisle (maybe even with hopes of making some new Portland friends) Well, it turns out 16 year old boys look a lot older in the dark. I guess I didn't notice mom and dad sitting next to them before I chose seats :) Even worse was that the two kids ended up leaving to stand near the front stage and my seat was right next to the sound guy whose soundboard lights reflected in such a way that ended up creating a spotlight on me and my empty seats. So much for inconspicuous! Anyways-

One of the funniest parts of the show was when Tyrone did a cover song of Zombie by the Cranberries and realized that at an all ages show many of these teeny boppers may not even know that it's a cover song since they were born in the mid-90's!

So that's the white boy named tyrone...

On to the former prom king monastic..
. did you know that Shane Claiborne was prom king in high school! As he would say, 'Ha! that's funny' in his southern twang! That's 2 things I didn't expect to find out about him tonight. Having never read any of his books, I wasn't sure what to expect from the night. I have lots of friends who LOVE his writings and stories and even a couple friends who criticize his radical views. I was eager to hear him for myself. And interesting it was.

One thing I have observed about Portland is that Christians are the minority here (that and actual minorities are minorities seeing as how it's mostly white out here). While I really enjoyed hearing Shane's perspective and stories, it was equally inspiring to hear about people who read his book and moved out of the suburbs of Portland to downtown and northeast Portland (which i am guessing is more urban/inner city part of Portland).

Shane's personality is endearing, his lifestyle choices are admirable, and his stories were inspiring. While he gave a great examples of living lives that reflect grace, mercy, hope and love in the lives of people around us who most likely have been hurt by the church or have negative views of Christians, I was hoping for a little more depth about his experiences that led to his transformation and some of the practical choices he's made...maybe a little more on his worldviews. I suppose that's a lot to ask for from a one and a half hour time slot.

All in all, I am compelled to read his books (though likely a post-sabbatical read) and continue learning and leaning into Jesus on what it looks like to live in and for the kingdom on earth as in heaven...


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