Tuesday, September 11, 2012


"There is always hope" by UK graffiti artist, who goes by Banksy.

Today has been a day full of words. 
Words to myself, in frustration, as I am slowed down by tech problems. #firstworldproblems, I know.
Words with Noemi as we plan an upcoming staff retreat together.
Words fill my mind as I prepare to speak in Bakersfield tomorrow night.
Words in emails are carefully crafted.
Good words. 
Hard words. 

Honestly, the last thing I really want to do right now is write. But, according to Mattie, just slipping this image in doesn't count, so I'll keep it brief. 

In this image, I read innocence, loss, and longing. 
Between the lines, an invitation...a choice. 

This image speaks to me.
It captures the essence of this, my favorite of pleas  prayers these past few years. On this day, it's a reminder that "hope is a good thing, maybe the best of things...and no good thing ever dies."


Unknown said...

This is all very deep for a person at 10:57 p.m.
Props to Mattie for not letting you off. You're very poetic, you know. I wish I could be around you more to bask in it. Love the plea. Maybe all my prayers are pleas. And now I need to watch Shawshank again. Perhaps that and Dead Poet's Society this weekend. Thanks for the inspiration, as always.

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