Wednesday, May 1, 2013

mayday, mayday

Today May 1st. My dad's birthday. (happy birthday, baba!) 
It's also May Day. (happy...uh, spring?)

I wish I could be with my parents tonight, celebrating my dad over a glass of red wine at Macaroni Grill or over a chocolate molten lava cake at Chili's, both his favorites. 

However, today, on my dad's birthday, I have harnessed my dad's love for challenges and kicked off not one but two challenges. And we all know I LOVE a good challenge. 

The first is a challenge my housemates have taken on is called Whole 30. It's 30 days free from "...
all the psychologically unhealthy, hormone-unbalancing, gut-disrupting, inflammatory food groups for a full 30 days. " You don't say. Sounds, um, fun. 

Specifically it will mean 30 days of no sugars (including stevia), grains, soy, dairy (which I already do), alcohol, white potatoes, peanuts, and legumes. I'm surprised by how much I will miss legumes. Didn't expect that. After 30 days, the goal is to begin reintroducing each item and observe your body's reaction. 30 days is apparently enough to also free your body from the toxic stuff long enough to promise better skin, sleep, and energy. The prospect of healthier skin is alone enough to sign me up. 

The other challenge is to try and write everyday in May. Thanks, Teri, for the well-received and much needed prompt! This is perfect timing as I was just observing the other day that I had started 24 posts over the last few months but never managed to finish them. A combination of not enough time and not enough confidence I'd found all the right words.  Also, I imagine living in a home with three other ladies who've all given up sugar among other yummy things will yield some interesting stories over the next month. 

So there it is. Two challenges. For you, dad. 

Fitting, as my dad loves a good challenge. In fact, last year my dad participated in a fitness contest at work and WON the competition TWICE! Who does that?! My dad, that's who! 

Here's my dad hiking in January of last year with his svelte son. 
Here he is looking svelte himself just 3 months later. 

For Easter that year, he wore a suit he'd purchased in 1975, complete with (reasonable) bell bottoms. So itty bitty! How'd he do it? In addition to healthy eating, he worked out for 2 hours a day, 6 days a week. More specific, you ask? Oh you know, lifting weights, hiking, and ZUMBA. Yes, my Middle Eastern father took ZUMBA! That's dedication. What I would give to be able to see him sweating to the Latino oldies!

Proud of you, my svelte papa! 
And wishing you a happy, birthday, mayday, may day. 


Teri said...

Happy birthday to your dad, he's an inspiration! Okay, we're both blogging, you're eating like a granola and I'm running like a madwoman - 100 miles is my goal this month. Love having friends like you who like challenges too!

Blah Blah Layla said...

haha! yay for double challenges! 100 miles. wowzer. there are so many combinations of daily runs you can do... 100 in 1 day, 50 in 2 days, 3.2258 every day in May... I'm soooo curious to see how it happens for you! Great challenge(s). =)

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