Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Multnomah Falls

So today I drove about 30 min outside Portland to Multnomah Falls for a little hiking (to take advantage of the beautiful sunny day). I mapped out my 5.8 mile loop hike, strapped up Charlie (Mary's little pug-chihuahua puppy) and packed our lunches. Since it was still early (around 11:30am) I left the lunches in the car as a nice post-hike prize. Little did I know a few things: the hike would take 3.5 hours, despite the sun being out there was still a lot of ice and snow on the ground and it was quite cold, and that Charlie was afraid of water and snow so everytime we approached any snow on the ground or hear any rushing waters (mind you there were about 5 huge waterfalls all around us) I would have to pick up Charlie, muddy paws and all, and carry him. Overall, it was actually really BEAUTIFUL and super fun. I will say lunch really did feel rewarding and Charlie slept the whole way home... overall a great day!

Next up: tomorrow is Powell Books (the largest indie bookstore in America) and Tyrone Wells at the Aladdin Theatre and Friday night Shane Claiborne is speaking.
(Photo by Al Holzbach)


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